Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Going Batty

In case you haven't noticed, here at the Beet Ranch, we have a little bit of a thing for bats.

(Okay, okay, this one's a cat pretending to be a bat.)

Bishrito and I would love it if you would take a moment to check out this video series from the National Park Service about White Nose Syndrome, a disease that has been decimating bat populations in the U.S. 

And we're hoping, after seeing all those adorable bats, that you'll also check out Bat Conservation International, to learn more about bats and how to protect them.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bishrito: The Early Days

If you have never been, Point Loma and specifically, Cabrillo National Monument, is a pocket of wilderness in the urban landscape of San Diego.

The 660 acres of protected habitat on the Point Loma peninsula are home to 346 species of birds, plus Pacific rattlesnakes, lizards, shrews, rabbits, coyotes, foxes, Mexican long-tounged bats, tarantulas and loads of other plants, animals and bugs. The coastal sage scrub habitat preserved here is one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world. Only 10-15% of this habitat remains worldwide.

Bishrito's story begins in this last little piece of wild San Diego. He was born here, on Naval Base Point Loma, under a bush.

When he was two weeks old, his mom disappeared. Bishrito and his six little black siblings were left to fend for themselves.

Fortunately, these kittens had already wormed their way into the soft hearts of an office full of Navy engineers. When it became clear the kittens had been abandoned, my husband and several of his coworkers captured the kittens and took them home.

My husband said he picked Bishrito, out of all the kittens, because he put up the biggest fight.


Thus, Bishrito made his big entrance into our lives.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Mighty Bishrito

This is Bishrito. 

He may be the only aspiring Jamaican Fruit Bat in San Diego County. 


Jamaican Fruit Bat.

Awesome Jamaican Fruit Bat photo courtesy of George Bareham (Photo Copyright 2010 George Bareham)
Click here to see full article about Jamaican Fruit Bats on

Admittedly, Bishrito does have a bit of a grass problem.

And, rest assured, whatever your gender or sexual orientation,

He would love to get in your pants.

He leads a life of adventure and intrigue, but,

as far as we know...

Bishrito has never eaten a beet.